What's In My Hiking Bag?

Hey guys, Carly here! Some of you may not know this about me, but I LOVE the outdoors. Fall is my absolute favorite time to get outside with the cooler temperatures and beautiful changing leaves. Hiking is one of the best ways to explore nature, but it is important to be prepared every single time you hit a trail.

So, what’s in my hiking bag? 

Safety is always key when it comes to adventures, so packing your bag with essentials is a must. The first step to planning a safe hike is knowing where you’re going! Cell phones are incredible resources, we have endless information, news, and recipes at our fingertips 24/7. A lot of people choose to utilize their phones for directions while hiking, and while this sounds like a great plan, there is one huge problem: cell phone service. If you’re hiking anywhere remote, like the Adirondacks, it is very likely that you won’t have any service for miles. For this reason, the first items I always throw in my hiking bag are my map and compass! Learning how to read a map and utilize a compass should be step number one when beginning to enjoy the outdoors. There are several wonderful phone apps to help you find and study trails. My favorite app to use is AllTrails! AllTrails is great because you can see things like distance, elevation gain, and difficulty of a hike, and they also have maps. If you choose to use an app like AllTrails, be sure to screenshot or download the maps to your phone so you don’t have to rely on data out in the mountains! While these apps are wonderful, nothing beats a map and compass!

Another thing I always have in my hiking bag: Water and Snacks! Always, always, bring more water than you think you’ll need. Hiking is exercise and you will work up a sweat, so you need to have the resources to continuously hydrate and fuel your body. My favorite trail snacks are apples, trail mix, and Cheez-Its! This may sound like overkill to some, but I pack enough snacks and water to last me an entire day and night. Absolute worst case scenario, I want to be prepared in case there is an accident or emergency and I need to stay on the trail for longer than I expected. Water and snacks must be brought on every hike, no matter how small!

I’ve learned through experience that layering is key to hiking year round in New York State. This is why I always have extra layers of clothes with me in my hiking backpack! While it may be warm at the trailhead when you start a hike, it is very possible that the weather may be different on top of a higher mountain. When my fiancé and I visited Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, it was 75 degrees at the base of the mountain and only 40 degrees and incredibly windy on the summit! Thankfully, we were prepared with layers and we were able to adapt throughout our travels. Winter hiking in our area also requires some extra preparation because your body temperature will increase as you exercise, and cool down again when you take a break, so you will need to adjust your layers throughout your hike. Don’t forget socks, gloves, hats etc. to help you address the weather!

Last but not least (for this post, because if I went through EVERY item in my bag we’d be here for days!), I always bring a First Aid Kit! You can get relatively inexpensive first aid kits on Amazon, and it’s incredible how much they come in handy. You never know when you might get a cut or scrape out on the trail and need to clean and wrap your wound. Blisters, sunburns...you name it- a first aid kit can save the day! Like I mentioned before, a lot of outdoor safety requires you to expect the unexpected, prepare for worst case scenarios. You may never use your first aid kit, but the one time you need it, you will be so glad that it’s in your bag! If you’re hiking with pets, it’s also important to have first aid items for them as well.

Again, this is a very brief overview of some of the items I carry in my hiking bag, but I hope some of you will get out there and safely enjoy the outdoors this fall!

Here’s me with my dog, Hadley, up in the Adirondacks last year!

Here’s me with my dog, Hadley, up in the Adirondacks last year!

Carly LaMay